Feng Sui of the Written Word

November 10, 2007 at 9:39 pm (Poetry) (, )


Well past midnight I close my eyes,
     and old terrors come to call,
An angel whispers in my ear
     as it flies past on ancient wings,
A melody echoes in my heart,
     or drops of dew fall from my hair
          splashing me with inspiration:
          a single word, a turn of phrase,
          some piece of spirit that calls out to be heard.

The words fit nicely
     into notches in my imagination
          where meaning lays itself bare.
I search with a musician’s ear
     for the one and only word
          that fits there,
The feng shui of the written word.

Years ago
poems spilled out
full of hormones and angst,
suffering and loss,
but now they move slowly,
they kick back and yawn their way out.
They laze in the back of my mind,
in an imaginary hammock
among tall pines in blue shaded mountains
and enjoy themselves,
each poem like contented, well kissed lips
     like warm chocolate covered cherries
          just waiting to be savored.

© 2007 C. Harter Amos

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